The Kruger Park is famous for its diverse wildlife and plant life. One of the Kruger Park’s most iconic attractions is the Big 5, a collection of five large African Mammals that were known to be dangerous and was one of the most sought after for trophy hunters and was considered a feat if you could bring these animals home. The big 5 have however received a gentler expression and are more sought after for photographers and tourist groups, rather to be hunted.
Rhinos have horrible vision and have been known to attack trees and rocks because they mistake these objects as a threat. They do have excellent vision and hearing that well makes up for their poor vision.
The African Buffalo is not closely related to the Water Buffalo even though they resemble each other. The interesting fact is that the Water Buffalo has been domesticated, but the much more dangerous African Buffalo has not.
The White Rhino doesn’t get its name from its skin colour, which is instead a light grey and sometimes yellowish in colour. The White Rhino gets its name from the Dutch word “Weit” which means wide, which resembles the rhino’s muzzle.
Of all of the animals in the Big 5, the Leopard is the least seen. The reason for this is the Leopard is a solitary, nocturnal animal that is very secretive and prefers to remain hidden unless. They are very rarely seen hunting during the day.
Leopards are very adaptive animals that are known for their excellent climbing skills. They use their climbing as a way to safeguard their kills from animals such as Lions and Hyenas, who can easily overwhelm and kill a leopard. The are also adept swimmers and also feed on crabs and fish when other prey isn’t available.
An easy way to determine who the dominant male of a pride is or to discern their ages is to look at the colour of a lion’s mane. The darker the colour, the older the male.
Several plants in the Kruger have evolved and adapted their seeds to be dependent on passing through an elephant’s digestion system before they can germinate. A third of trees in the forests of West Africa depend on Elephants do disseminate.
African elephants can communicate over large distances by using a frequency that is too low for humans to pick up without specialized equipment.