After the rough ride that was 2020, if you are not in the mood to cater for guests and spread out a massive Christmas dinner, especially in the notorious Lowveld heat, we can’t say we blame you.
Being responsible for Christmas lunch is a whole new kind of stress and one that you can completely avoid when you decide that this is the year that you go to a restaurant to enjoy a delicious sit down meal, without the worry about having to handle the big clean up afterwards, when you have overeaten and are feeling rightfully lazy.
At Greenway Woods, we are well-known for our creative menus and our delicious Christmas spreads. We know how to put together a feast fit for kings, and this Christmas we invite you to join us for a year ending meal that you won’t soon forget.

Why should you eat out for Christmas?
For some people the idea of eating out, away from homely traditions and decorations, is something almost sacrilegious. We can get so connected to our way of doing things, that we tend to not look beyond what is and to occasionally treat ourselves to what could be.
If you are worried that eating at a restaurant at Christmas is going against the traditions and will make the day less special than you intend it to be, you will be happy to know that you can put that guilt aside, and indulge in a Christmas day that is without the usual stress.
These are some of the reasons why you should eat out for Christmas lunch:
- No Stress, No Fuss
On Christmas day, if you are the host or hostess, there is always a lot to consider. From that one guest who is always overly problematic when it comes to what they are willing to eat, to the stress of having to get up early to start preparing (and in the summer heat no less), the day that should be about celebration and relaxation, ends up being tiring.
You can avoid all of this by going out to eat.
- Minimal planning
When you host Christmas, there is so much planning involved. Running to the shops to buy all of the ingredients for the meals, something which can ring up an excessive price, and then working for hours on end to put it all together, while also having to plan the seating and the décor, takes up so much time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere.
If you decide to eat out, all you will have to do is make a booking.
- No cleaning up
But you will still get the leftovers if you have any. Once you have eaten your fill and you’ve spent some time being merry, the one thing that no one looks forward to is the clean-up operation. And yet it is something that needs to be done before the day ends.
When you eat out, you don’t have to clean up.